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Mark and Diego,

Mark Thomas wrote:
> Diego Manilla Suárez wrote:
>> Hi. I need two extra fields in my login form, other than j_username
>> and j_password.

>> Is there a simpler and/or nicer way to do what I want?
> Take a look at http://securityfilter.sourceforge.net/
> I haven't used it, but from the posts I have seen on this list, there
>  is a good chance it will do what you want.

It can do what you want, but it takes some work. In order to accept
parameters other than j_username and j_password, you basically have to
write your own authenticator, which isn't a big deal. You just implement
a particular interface with a method like
authenticate(HttpServletRequest) and do whatever you want.

> It also has the added advantage that it will be portable between
> containers.

This is one of the best reasons to use securityfilter.

- -chris
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