On 30/08/2007, Mark Thomas wrote:
> Casting aspersions at the professionalism of the Tomcat project, and
> by implication the Tomcat community (ie everyone on this list), isn't
> the way to win friends and influence people. Neither is going to get
> your question answered, at least not be me.
> You might like to consider reposting your question in a friendlier tone.
> Mark

I wasn't "casting aspersions", more so commenting on how professional the
entire project is. My apologies if that wasn't clear. I'm new to the list
and to the project, and was simply wondering whether there was an obstacle
to creating an announce-list that I do not know of, otherwise I think it
would be a great addition to the operation of Tomcat, and a boon to those
who use it.

On 30/08/2007, Brian Munroe wrote:
> There is also Apache Announce?  Granted it isn't Tomcat specific, but
> it is lower traffic then dev or users.
> http://www.apache.org/foundation/mailinglists.html
> -- brian

Thanks for that brian, it certainly answers my question as to why there
isn't a Tomcat announce. I think I may already be signed up. Cheers for the
reply. :)

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