Evert Hoff wrote:
Hi Rainer,

Looks like you've got more than one virtual host in the httpd configuration. JkMounts are not inherited between virtual hosts. Although there is the directive JkMountCopy to inherit JkMount between vhosts, I would expect that not to help in your situation (localshot:80 vs. So either

- define the same JkMounts in the other vhost

I don't know how to do this. I've tried putting the IP address of the server
in the conf/auto/mod_jk.conf, but this hasn't made a difference.
The server's domain is www2.noteworthynewsletters.com and this virtual host
is setup in Plesk. But, whether I try to browse to
http://www2.noteworthynewsletters.com/examples or without the virtual host
to, I get the same problem.

Below is the file that Plesk generated with the virtual domain:

If you want the JK forwarding to work for www2.noteworthynewsletters.com and your apache httpd configuration uses virtual hosts, you first have to identfy the VirtualHost block that configures the virtual host for www2.noteworthynewsletters.com and then put the JkMounts into that block. Non of the configuration items you included in your mail seem to match www2.noteworthynewsletters.com. I guess, that one defined by

Include /var/www/vhosts/noteworthynewsletters.com/conf/httpd.include

the contents of which we don't know.



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