On Mon, 17 Sep 2007, bharatp80 wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I am getting this error while loading the first test.jsp file after a fresh
> windows 2000 server installation and new tomcat 4.1.36 and iis 5.0
> configuration.

> after installing and configuring tomcat 4.1.36 i tried my sample application
> but i am getting following error message in internet explorer.....
> HTTP Status 500 - 
> root cause 
> java.lang.NullPointerException
>       at org.apache.jsp.test_jsp._jspService(test_jsp.java:94)

That is where it points out that the root cause is that something in
your test.jsp page is throwing a NullPointerException - or more
exactly, something in the code that has been generated from your
test.jsp is throwing a NullPointerException.

The first way to solve this is to have a look in your test.jsp and
determine if there are any obvious problems which could cause
NullPointerException to be thrown. If you can't find any, then
there are a couple of ways to continue:

You could look at the test_jsp.java (if your server is configured to
keep the java source files generated from jsp pages), but the
generated java sources are not the easiest pieces of code to read.

Alternatively you could start commenting our parts of your test.jsp
code until the error goes away. When the error goes away, you've
located at least something that affects the problem - and can narrow
down your search from that point on.


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