
I'm new to these technologies and hope one of you pros can point me in
the correct location.  We are using a product written in Java that
integrates into our website.  This product obviously needs to run under
a J2EE compliant application server so we choose Apache Tomcat 5.5 with
Java 1.5.  However we are having a lot of issues with performance and
are trying to diagnose these issues.  We are running on a Windows 2003
Server and running Apache Tomcat as a Windows service.  The two things
I'd like to find out are (1) how do you measure the performance of
Apache and (2) where can I find good documentation on the different
options/parameters/etc on running an Apache server as a Windows service?
Also, I ran across some statements before about server
configurations/options?  Where can I find information on that topic?


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