I have been attempting to upgrade to TomCat v5.5.25 (from 5.5.9).  I
have been running TomCat versions since 3.<something>.  Normally the
upgrades have been simple and easy, but this time I'm stuck and all of
today's Google searches have not turned up a solution (I have, however,
found several people with the same installation problem).  So, I need to
ask for help.
I just upgraded to Java 1.6.  Classpath, path, and java_home are set
When I run the windows installer, I get the error:  "Failed to install
Tomcat5 service.  Check your settings and permissions.  Ignore or
continue anyway (not recommended)".  Several threads recommended
checking (double checking, triple checking) java_home or rolling back to
java 1.5_10.  Which I have tried in various combinations but to no
avail.  IF this is the last step in the installation process, I can
manually set the windows 'service'.
Can someone suggest a FAQ or link or suggestion about how to correct
this issue?  Thanks!

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