I think your decision is a wise one :)

You can help by opening a bugzilla issue (Enhancement) for this topic.

This way we will remember easier, when we start JK3.



James Masson wrote:
Hi Rainer,

thanks for the advice - I think we'll stick with the current
configuration, as people here seem to understand it quite well. I don't
really like the idea of having to custom tweak things like the time-outs
on connection pools, for every entry, just because we're trying to make
mod_jk do something it wasn't designed to do.

Hopefully this enhancement will make it onto your to-do list at some
point. I'll be patient, if you need any help in testing this, let me know...


James Masson

Rainer Jung wrote:
No easy idea. At the moment, fail_on_status is only for workers, and
not for workers in mounts.

If you want to go the worker way, there are some simple tricks to not
make it to complicated:

- you can use the reference-attribute, to use worker templates. That
way each worker only needs to config lines, that are individual for
the worker. Worker templates also work hierarchical, so you can have a
very general setup, then some additional things for alle workers
belonging to some app etc. and finally the things for individual workers.

- If you use multiple workers per Tomcat (e.g. worker=webapp), then to
keep stickyness, you don't use the automatic worker name = jvmRoute.
Instead you add the route attribute to the workers, giving multiple
workers (webapps) the same route. This could again be done in a
template via a reference.

- make sure, that you use the idle timeout mechanisms of the
connection pools, because each webapp-lb will have it's own connection
pool to the target Tomcat (and each connection needs a thread inside
the target Tomcat). Look at


- If you use fail_on_status, you want to ensure, you are using version
1.2.25. fail_on_status is relatively new, and we had some fixes in the
latest versions. At the moment, there is no known bug about it.

- Unfortunately there's a bug with "reference" and debug log level for
JK in 1.2.25 (the bug really only shows up with debug log level, but
then the web server immediately crashes during startup). The fix is in
trunk, but not yet released.

It might be nice to think deeper about how to structure the objects
around lb/workers on the one side, and mounts on the other side. At
the moment we can only manage mounts or lbs or workers, but not an lb
or worker in a mount.



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