Can you post the actual relevant lines of code? Also, I suspect for classes, Class.forName() is enough -- no need to find the class first w/ Classloader.getResource( "..." ).


Albert Greinoecker wrote:

I'm sorry I just found out that the cause of the failure described below
lies one step before the class.forName-statement.

Before I'm trying to load the classes with ClassLoader cld [...]
URL resource = cld.getResource('path/to/the/class/file.class');
so it's clear to me that this cannot work with class-files located
within a java-archive. But how can resources be loaded from jars this

sorry for the last posting,

Am Mittwoch, den 10.10.2007, 08:59 -0400 schrieb David Smith:
Could you post more info -- e.g. tomcat version, jvm version, class package and name you are trying to load, any relevant stack traces in the logs, etc., ...


Albert Greinoecker wrote:


I have a problem concerning the classloader tomcat is using, When I try
to load a class dynamically, which is located witihn a jar-archive
under /WEB-INF/lib with class.forName(<full_class_name>), an exception
is thrown. If the class is located at WEB-INF/classes, everything works

As classloader I am using:
Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); Should I use a different
one? What would be the best approach to solve this?


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