I'll try to make this as short and clear as I can. I have an instalation of 
Apache 2.2.6 and tomcat 6.0.14. On the apache side we have instaled the 
kerberos mod for authentication. that one is installed ok, we have a php file 
that prints out the headers and remoteuser has the correct value. I am trying 
to do the same thing for a jsp file in tomcat(I want the request.getParameter 
to return the login name of the user logged in). Now as I remember, for tomcat 
in server.xml in conf, by setting the tomcatAuthentication="false" for the 
AJP1.3 connector the getRemoteUser should return the user authenticated through 
Apache, right? still, my request.getRemoteuser returns null. So what am I doing 
wrong or what else needs configuring?

10x in advance

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