Hi All,

I have been working with tomcat and log4j for a while and it worked perfectly. Now I have updated all my web apps to use commons logging. I have discovered that the Tomcat developers have absolutly no idea how to do something right when it comes to commons logging and I am curious to why.

I tried tomcat 5.028 and commons logging. I discovered that tomcat used it's own commons-logging-api.jar file and it was impossible to override this commons logging file. I am running tomcat 6 now and I have discovered that tomcat 6 uses commons logging without log4j enabled.

I have log4j.jar and commons-logging-1.1.jar in my webapp\WEB-INF\lib directory and I put my log4j.properties file in the webapp\WEB-INF\classes ditrectory so this should be correct. If I create a FileAppender like this:

log4j.appender.fileout.layout.conversionPattern=[%-6p] %-13d{ABSOLUTE} %-26C{1} %-4L %m%n

I have discovered that the /tmp/myLog.log is created but nothing is outputed to this file.

I am curious, why have the tomcat developers disabled something that is so commonly used?

Thanks in advance,

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