Fran Varin wrote:
> Mark, 
> Thank you for your reply. I am aware that Glassfish is not Tomcat. However,
> it seems to me that since the class in question is managed by Apache that
> there must have been some level of collaboration between the two teams 

Tomcat was originated with a code donation from Sun. Some time ago (I
forget exactly when), Sun started Glassfish and forked the Tomcat code
as a starting point.

> and a
> reasonable assumption on my part that Apache may have been working to enable
> Jasper to address JSR 199.

I am not aware of any efforts in this direction.

 It appears that you are implying something to the
> contrary; along the lines that Sun may have taken a snapshot of Jasper and
> modified it specifically for Glassfish perhaps.


> This is certainly possible
> but, I don't see this as feasible since they have made the statement that
> they (Sun) have adopted Jasper as their compiler.>

I haven't seen that statement so can't comment.

> With all that said, it
> still leaves me in a place where I'm wondering how Jasper might be used to
> actually compile a JSP outside of using the ANT or JSPC approach. Now, that
> Java SE 6 has a nice Compile class it seems like we are much closer to being
> able to take a standardized approach to real-time compilation. This, in
> essence is what I am attempting to explore.

Patches are always welcome.

> The class I mentioned appeared,
> at least on the surface, to be such an effort on the part of Sun and Apache.
> I am willing to concede that perhaps it is not and would like that
> clarification from Apache or Sun should that be the case. 

The above should clarify this.



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