> Firstly dont worry too much about the Tomcat Native library message, that
> is not the cause of the problem.

OK. For the moment I will ignore it as suggested by Chuck.

> OK, so now you have the new Tomcat installed.
> + Tell netbeans to use it.... Go to TOOLS - > SERVER MANAGER and show
> netbeans where the new Tomcat is.

I have added the TC 5.5.25 (The one I have installed) as J2EE platform.

> LOOK at the JRE in the NB 5.17 version of TC is using, it may be pointing
> at your JDK, not the JRE.
> When you install the new TC, make sure when it asks you that you point at
> the same one.
> ie you can have JRE 5 on the machine and TC can be told to use JDK 6....
> check that.

I have installed:

- jdk
- jre --> jre

In NB, Java platform is set for both TC is 'JDK 1.5 (Default)' whose
folder path is 'C:\Programmi\Java\jdk1.5.0_13' (i.e.: The installation
path for the jdk that I have installed.)

> Now in your application project, if your RIGHT CLICK -> RUN you will see
> you can tell it to use the new TC in that application.
> Now when you run it, it will probably take you to the line of code that is
> causing the problem....
> You can swap between different tomcats and experiment.

Infact.. I'm seeing some problems..

> When you work in NB, you can start and stop the tomcats from the RUN tab,
> you can only have one running at a time.

> Before you deploy to the new tomcat, in NB RUN tab.... UNDEPLOY the
> application, and stop that TC.... because otherwise even if you drop the
> WAR into tomcat.... it will still look at the application in NB....
> NB does not have to use the embedded TC....
> Have fun....

Thanks. I will investigate to solve the problems and I eventually ask you
if I still cant run PHP scripts in my application.



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