Hi there!

This question is about Tomcat’s Architecture and CoyoteConnectors.


I would like to know the difference between
Session(org.apacha.catalina.Session) and
HttSession(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession) objects. 

In Request(org.apache.catalina.connector.Request) object  I get HttpSession
– request.getSession()  and Session – request.getSessionInternal() objects,
but I don’t know the difference between this objects on Tomcat’s
Architecture.  I suppose that this objects represents different sessions in
my Web Application, but this doesn’t make sense, because each Web
Application just have one session scope. 

I know that HttpSession is available from Session object –

Another question about it is that, when I invalidate the HttpSession, am I
invalidating Session object too?


Thanks for help me,

Regards from Braga, Portugal

Bárbara Vieira

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