Len Popp wrote:
HTTP error 503 is "service unavailable", which means the servlet or
web app is not running.

Len is correct, this exception is usually thrown by apache httpd, not apache tomcat. Do you have an apache front end? If this is true you must configure the error page from within your httpd file. I usually do something like this in my apache virtual host:

JkMount /* ajp13_worker
JkUnMount /error/* ajp13_worker
ErrorDocument 503 /error/TomcatMissing.html

Note, this error occurs when tomcat is down, so the error page can not be returned by tomcat! So this configuration says, display the error page from an apache httpd directory instead of trying to display it from tomcat.

Hope that helps!

Best Regards,

Jacob Rhoden
Application Architect
Systems Development and Integration
University of Melbourne

Phone: +61 3 8344 2884

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