Hi David,

TIME_WAIT is a normal TCP state after a connection was successfully closed. Only one side of the connection goes into TIME_WAIT, namely the side that sent the first FIN.

So since you've got httpd and Tomcat on the same server, you first need to find out, which side of the conection is in TIME_WAIT. In netstat, usually the left hand IP:PORT is the local side, and the right IP:PORT the remote side. In case the left pair of the TIME_WAIT line includes the port 8009, this would mean, that Tomcat closed the connection first, in case 8009 is on the right side, it would mean, that Apache httpd closed the connection first. Maybe you could show us some of the TIME_WAIT netstat lines.

Both could be OK, so we could ask ourselves, if we expect such behaviour. In general AJP connections should be used persistently and only closed, if they have been idle for to long.

Is the number of TIME_WAIT connections much larger, than the concurrency ("-c") used with ab?



David Cassidy wrote:

I'm using mod_proxy in apache 2.2.6 with the ajp connector in tomcat.

apache config
<Proxy balancer://myclusterclear>
        BalancerMember ajp://localhost:8009 route=server1 min=0
smax=1000 max=1000  keepalive=On
        ProxyPass // balancer://myclusterclear/

Tomcat config (Using the native apr libs)

    <Executor name="tomcatThreadPool" namePrefix="catalina-exec-"
maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="4"/>

    <Connector executor="tomcatThreadPool" port="8009" secure="false"
protocol="AJP/1.3" enableLookups="false" proxyPort="80"
redirectPort="443" maxKeepAliveRequests="2000" tcpNoDelay="true"
keepAliveTimeout="10000" connectionTimeout="600000"/>

After running a few hits with ab to give it some load
there are a very large number of connections between apache and tomcat
in a TIME_WAIT status.

Is this a common happening ? Is there something that can be configured
to prevent this from appearing ?


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