Blumlein,Richard wrote:
Hello Rainer,

First, that for all the help..

The examples I gave are from the make. The confusing part is some docs

just show doing the configure, make, copy the mod, make clean on the Apache 
site docs.

I have also seem some docs show doing configure, make, make install, copy the 
mod, make clean.

I am not sure if I need the make install?

make install does nothing more than simply copying the .so file to the httpd modul directory (e.g. libexec in the httpd 1.3 case).

Exactly, more precisely, if there is already an in the .libs,

that's actually the final result of the build process, and you can put

it into every directory you like to install it. To really use it, you

have to give it's path name in the LoadModule httpd directive. is trying to be renamed from the apache-1.3 directory when

it resides in the apache-1.3/.libs directory.

I did a file command on the file in .libs and it shows




file executable (RISC System/6000) or object module not stripped

Looks good.

So am I thinking I can do the copy/rename myself to Apache Web Server

and rename it to under some directory.


That is if I don't need to do make install after the make.

Ah, OK: for httpd 1.3 the directory is libexec, not modules. It has

exactly the same purpose. As noted above, you can put the file in any

place you like, as long as the LoadModule contains the path name.

Convention is a sub directory libexec for httpd 1.3 and modules for 2.x

below the ServerRoot of httpd.

I see what your saying about pointing to it in the Apache httpd.conf file.
Just as long as it is found.

LoadModule jk_module modules/

Careful: here you say look at the modules subdirectory of ServerRoot, but the directory you listed in a previous post was named libexec, not modules, and in fact libexec is the correct convention for httpd 1.3. If you want to use "modules" instead, you must create the directory underneath ServerRoot and put the module there. That might be a little strange, bacause all your other modules will be in the libexec directory.

Thank you very much.



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