Rocco Scappatura wrote:
>>> 2) Suppose that I have another level inside the root webapps dir (eg:
>>> and I would like to access
>>> to the URL above with How I behave
>>> myself in this situation? :-(((((
>> If you mean a second virtual host, then you would add a second host
>> entry to your server.xml file.
> I have already tried using the tomcat server administration. I would like
> to create a nested Context, but I have failed because the docBase that I
> would like to define for my nested Context is not a valid path on the file
> system.
> I'm afraid that it is the path for another Context..
> :-((
> Any further idea?
> thanks,
> rocsca

(Please only reply to the list)

Don't use manager or admin, learn how server.xml works.

To create an alias for the same site, and to add a different site, in
server.xml name your hosts like so:

<Engine ...>

  <Host name="" ...>

  <Host name=""...>

Actually, I think you may be confusing deployment directories (appBase)
and context paths.  If you have two separate war files, then they both
go in the same location regardless of their ultimate path.

sites/   ->
sites/   ->

NB if ROOT.war contains subpaths like 'blog' then they would appear

You should not be attempting to place a web application actually inside
the deployed directory of another web application.

In your case, if you have two war files from roller, a blog app and an
admin app, then place them both in the appBase for the Host:

roller.war       -> mysite/apps/ROOT.war  ->
roller-admin.war -> mysite/apps/admin.war ->


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