Well technically, tomcat does not write to catalina.out, it writes by default to standard output. The startup script does a redirect of tomcat stdout and stderr to catalina.out using the '>' operator.

Now, on unix system, when a file is opened and a handle is retrieved (here by invoking shell cause of '>'), if you rename / move the file in filesystem, the opened handler follow it. Physically, despite the move it's still the same file, you just renamed it. If you want control of tomcat output, you should follow rules here, that describe out to setup tomcat log facilities (to avoid using of stdout).


As for signal, since it's the jvm that intercept signals, tomcat has no use of it. The only usefull signal in jvm is QUIT, which forces jvm to dump thread as debugging information.

latteye a écrit :
I have a question of separate tomcat logfile catalina.out.

I use newsyslog to create a new catalina.out every midnight. And the old log
file move to catalina.out.0.
But Tomcat always write the log to the old file catalina.out.0.  Unless I
restart my tomcat, it will write the log to new file which newsyslog

It's not a good idea to restart tomcat with crontab everynight.

And I had tried to send a sighup to tomcat process with cmd : kill -HUP pid.
It shutdown.

I wanna find a way to make tomcat write log to new logfile ,so newsyslog can


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