En l'instant précis du 17/01/08 15:46, Chad Kellerman s'exprimait en ces termes:
Tomcat Users,
    I have been googling Tomcat thread dumps and have not seen what I want
to accomplish anywhere...

   Is there a way to configure Tomcat to execute a thread dump whenever
there is an Out Of Memory issue or if an app reached the max thread count?
When there is an OutOfMemory, it's impossible to make a ThreadDump. The reason is that, since you lack memory, it can be seen as useless to try allocating StackTrace object and stuff it in a new Error(). Moreover, from my experience, when you are out of memory, the location where you are out if generally irrelevant, as it's most of the time cause by a memory leak somewhere else. As for you max ThreadDump, you could still try feeding the tomcat output to an external tool that sends a Kill -3 to tomcat Thre when it sees some keyword.

Note that, in both cases, it's not tomcat's job to make a ThreadDump, it's more related to jvm behaviour. Other vendors than sun might have some facilities for that?
   I am using Tomcat 5.5.25 on RHEL 5. with jdk1.5.0_13

   Thanks for the help,

http://www.devlog.be (a belgian developer's logs)

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