Ok, sorry for bugging you. I overlooked the fact that I get the
following headers:

x-forwarded-host: abc.com
x-forwarded-server: abc.com


Dieter Schicker wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running Tomcat 6.0.14 behind an Apache with mod_rewrite proxying.
> <code>
> RewriteRule ^/www/(.*\.xyz)$$1 [P]
> </code>
> Now when I examine the request object with e.g.
> <code>
> request.getRemoteAddr();
> </code>
> I (of course) get "".
> So my question is: Is there a way to get the "real" remote address (the
> remote address _before_ it get's rewritten) with this scenario?
> Many thanks in advance
> Dilino
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