"Caldarale, Charles R" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>> Subject: Filtering the apache clients
>> Is there any way of configuring the Tomcat <Connector> to
>> only accept AJP connections from a specific apache server?
>1) Comment out the other <Connector> elements.
>2) Configure the RemoteAddrValve for the desired IP address:

This won't work, since under AJP/1.3 the "Remote Address" is the address of 
the client that connects to Apache, not the address of the Apache machine. 
>From a quick code check, it looks like the "secure" option isn't supported 
any longer in mod_jk (it was never that secure to begin with).  You can 
duplicate it by setting:
  JkEnvVar MyAuthCode password
in trusted Apache's, and write a filter that rejects requests that don't 
have a Request attribute of MyAuthCode with value "password".  Of course, it 
is only as secure as your way to secure the name and value.

If you want to restrict access to only the copy of Apache running on the 
same machine as Tomcat, then you can do:
  <Connector protocol="AJP/1.3" address="localhost" ...... />
For any other configuration, you should really have a firewall between the 
internet and Tomcat.

>- Chuck

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