is it only the first request that lasts longer, or each request?


On Feb 6, 2008 7:01 PM, Barak Yaish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm running a Servlet under Tomcat 5.5.23 (CentOS 5), reside on host H1.
> This servlet invokes a RMI method ( f() ) on an object found on remote host
> (H2). The duration of f() when running on H1 is about 5 ms.
> Somehow, the duration of the invocation in the servlet is about 30ms.
> Invoking the remote method by Junit from the same machine the servlet
> resides on (H1), gave result of about 10ms, which I guess include the
> latency of the network itself.
> Can someone help me please with any direction how can I track down the
> problem? Any configuration issue I missed?
> Thanks,
> Barak.

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