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Hitesh Raghav wrote:
| Is there any URLs about these backward incompatibilities (i.e.
| Servlet/JSP specs backward incompatibilities)?

As Chuck suggests, the servlet specification has changed between
versions, and the best reference for that is the specification itself.
There are even sections titled "changes since spec vX.Y" that you can
read to get an overview of the changes, instead of reading the entire
document start-to-finish.

My concern was less with the servlet specification (because your old
JSPs and tag libraries probably implement the old specification, but so
does the Jasper version you are trying to jam into the newer TC version)
and more with incompatibility between the old Jasper and the new TC.
Since Tomcat is bundled with TC and all the APIs are proprietary (and
not defined by some specification), there's no guarantee that they will
be compatible if you mix-and-match versions. Furthermore, there's no
need for documentation outlining all the incompatibilities between, say,
TC 6.x and Jasper that came from TC 4.x because there is simply no
reason to put the two together.

Stick with a matched TC + Jasper pair. Your life will be much simpler.

Until then, stick with TC 4.1. The best reason to stick with your server
version is that it works! I would definitely take some time to assign
some folks to "port" your application to TC 5.5 or 6.0. It doesn't look
like like support for 4.1 will be dropped anytime soon, but it /is/
really /really/ old. The newer versions are generally better and faster,

Good luck with your upgrade,
- -chris
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