I'm trying to a subdomain to our site but Tomcat is not finding the index
page correctly.

Here are my entries into httpd.conf and server.xml:

<VirtualHost *>
    ServerName foo.site.com
    DocumentRoot /usr/local/apache/htdocs/foo
        CustomLog /usr/local/apache/logs/foo.site.com_access_log combined
        ErrorLog /usr/local/apache/logs/redirect.log


     <Host name="foo.site.com"
        unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="false" >
           <Context path="" docBase="/usr/local/apache/htdocs/foo" />


When I type http://foo.site.com/ I get a 404 - /index.jsp  error.

Must I specify the exact page, ie. index.jsp in the configuration urls or


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