There's no facility in CVS that I'm aware of to do this. You're best bet
would be to do a cvs export and then remove the files yourself. If
you're on a *NIX box, you can use the find command to do this. Something

find /path/to/cvs/export -type f -exec rm -{} \;

Read the man pages for find. I'm not responsible for you deleting stuff
you don't want to.

I don't know how you'd do a one-liner like this on a Windows box, but
I'm sure there's some sort of anagram -- or you could use Perl or

Remember, CVS doesn't version directories like Subversion does, so this
is basically a one-time deal. You're not going to be able to do a cvs
update to pull down new folders without also getting all the files and
having to remove them again. (If you're going to do that, use cvs
checkout rather than cvs export and be sure to use the -d switch to cvs
update to build new directories).

Hope that helps.


On Thu, 2008-03-06 at 08:18 -0500, David Smith wrote:
> I think you'll need post this question on a CVS list.  I've never really 
> had all that much success with CVS -- Subversion is MUCH better.
> --David
> Quodras, Naveen wrote:
> > 
> >Hi David,   Would you have any suggestions on the below query ??
> >
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Quodras, Naveen 
> >Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 1:57 AM
> >To: 'Tomcat Users List'
> >Subject: CVS check-out
> >
> >
> >Hi,
> >     Don't know if this would be the right place to ask this kinda
> >question.
> >     But would anybody out here know , How do I check-out only the
> >folder structure from CVS without checking-out the files that are within
> >those
> >     folders. (As I don't want my Disc to be cluttered with all those
> >files)
> >
> > 
> >Thanks,
> >Naveen
> >
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