Rainer Jung wrote:

Which connector do you use? The usual Coyote (Jav) connector, or the native APR connector (also called tcnative)?
Hmm.. good question.. I follow the directions, compile and it (make install) puts the mod_jk.so in the ../apache/modules directory. I would guess it is the native since I compile the code in the ../native directory. Guess I did not pickup that there was a difference..

What should I be doing..?

Actually I do.. Here is that setting from my server.xml

<!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 -->
   <Connector port="8009"
              debug="0" />

Is there anything else here that needs changing..?

Hmmm, maybe set connectionTimeout to 600000 instead of 60000. Otherwise TC and mod_jk don't use the same timeout (I think you had 10 minutes ofr mod_jk). This will not be the reason for your strange observation, but it should reduce the CLOSE_WAIT connections during normal operations.
Just to be clear..

The Tomcat Connector setting for port 8009 of "connectionTimeout" should equal the worker.properties setting of:





I would run a cron job, that writes out the netstat statistics for 8009 (how many connections in which state, including LISTEN etc.) once a minute to get an idea, if you run into something extreme immediately before the LISTEN dies.
Ok.. I work on setting that "trap" up...

The previous hint about taking thread dumps once the problem is there is still valid. That way we can check from the inside of the JVM, if the accept thread is gone. But we still won't know why.

Any interesting log items on the TC side? OutOfMemory errors?

No, not generally.. I have had one "OutOfMemory" error several weeks ago that I never could "explain", but that is the first that did not showed up in the catalina.out logs AS a problem..

Those port 3050 connections are DB connections or something similar I suppose?
Correct.. Firebird.

Thanks, I really appreciate the suggestions.. I'll post back to this thread once I get some results based on your suggestions..


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