Just in case someone wants more info about this, I just noticed (from a
Firebug presentation) that I can interactively turn off the
"browser.cache.disk.enable" and "network.http.use-cache" flags in
"about:config" which will probably make this a little easier to deal

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Karr, David 
> Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2008 10:27 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Any way to make tomcat send the "disable caching" 
> headers on all responses?
> When I'm debugging javavascript code, it's really annoying 
> when Firefox caches the javascript file (even when I've 
> modified it).  I'm familiar with the headers for disabling 
> caching, but it's a little more annoying to emit those 
> headers on javascript files.  Unless I'm missing something, 
> is there an easy way to make Tomcat send the disable cache 
> headers for all responses, perhaps for a single application?

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