Hi Fred,

fredk2 schrieb:
When is mod_jk 1.2.27 expected to be stable?

I just stumbled accross the change log for the jk connector which shows an
interesting feature: the ability to configure a reply_timeout not only per
worker, but instead per mapping.


Ouups, didn't realize that we bundle a dev snapshot of JK documentation with TC 4.1. It would be better to link to the offically released docs.

Yes, I hope that will be a very useful feature, because often long running requests are expected for very few known URLs (reporting etc).

If I go to the main connector site (or via Tomcat 6) I do not see 1.2.27

Kind Rgds - Fred

1.2.27 is not released yet. There is a very interesting feature for the IIS plugin pending (supporting chunked encoding). I expect, that we'll cut a release candidate around ApacheCon (second week of april) either with or without the IIS feature and that the official release should be available about 2 weeks later.

I use a current dev snapshot in some customer installations and it seems to run fine, no problems there. So if you really have a good use case, you could consider using a dev snapshot of 1.2.27, at least on pre production systems. You can find a dev snapshot under


Let us know your findings.



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