> From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wicket0123 wrote:
> | JMeter reports that for 500 concurrent users making request to our
> | application, the average response time was 1 second.  That already
> | broke our SLA which is 15 milliseconds.

I presume you've already done such obvious checks as ensuring all the cores on 
your CPUs are maxed out at that load, rather than it being due to (say) 
database or network latency, or the network connection between the test boxes 
being saturated?  500 concurrent connections, 1 second response time = 1/500 
sec of network bandwidth per request.  On 100 Mbit/s Ethernet (call it 10 
Mbyte/s), that's 20 kbyte per response assuming you can get your network 100% 
loaded - which is an impossible goal.  What's your request and response size?  
Are you *sure* your network is behaving at the speed you think it is?  What 
happens if you write a little TCP/IP app that just pipes bytes from server to 

I presume you've also run with smaller loads, to determine a profile of when 
the problems start?  400 users is OK, I assume, or you wouldn't be testing with 
500 - you'd be trying to find out what was wrong with 400.

> If I ping www.google.com from my home computer, I get a
> 14.593ms average roundtrip time.

Lucky you.  It's rare I see under 200.

I do wonder about the OP's requirements.  What's driving them?

> | 1) out of that 1 second, how much was due to network?
> If you do localhost testing, you could estimate that.

... but, if you've maxed out all your CPUs with Tomcat, be aware that your 
testing software will reduce the available throughput for Tomcat.

                - Peter

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