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David Smith wrote:
|> |             <Context debug="4"
|> | docBase="C:/Java/eclipse-europa/europa-workspace/bop-med/web"
|> | path="/bop-med" reloadable="true"
|> | workDir="work\Catalina\localhost\bop-med">
|> Bad boy: take out the docBase and path attributes. At best, they will be
|> ignored. At worse, they will confuse both you /and/ Tomcat. Feel free to
|> leave workDir in there, though it is not required. Unless you /need/ to
|> specify it, you should take that out and let Tomcat do what it wants.
| Not necessarily bad.  He's deploying the app from outside the tomcat
| webapps directory, so at least docBase is good.

Tomcat needs to know where to find the application in the first place.
Since context.xml is in the application, there's no need for the
application to re-assert its own location. It can only be wrong about it.

| The path on the other
| hand would be picked up from the name of the context xml file in
| conf/Catalina/localhost.

I'm assuming (perhaps incorrectly) that context.xml really meant
context.xml, and not an application-specific xml file in the conf directory.

|> Note that setting the validationQuery without also setting
|> testOnBorrow="true" will result in the validationQuery being ignored.
| Last I looked, testOnBorrow is true by default and only needs a
| validationQuery.  Setting it explicitly won't hurt though.

Oops, I always remember that one backward. testOnBorrow="true" by
default, but there's no default validationQuery, so it has no effect.
Setting validationQuery="[something]" will definitely turn it on.

- -chris

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