Hi Mark,
How do you "- disable worker1" and still let Tomcat1 to process remaining
requests? I guess I am not sure what "worker1" is, where to disable that.
Can you explain little more on this?

Yes, I have heard of LambdaProbe. I will check this out in more detail

Thanks for sharing.

On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 9:53 AM, Mark Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Zemian Deng wrote:
> > Can you share your story of how you solve your redeployment problem to
> keep
> > max availability of your webapp?
> 1. Write stateless apps and where you can't, use sticky sessions and
> clustering.
> 2. When upgrading. I:
>  - disable worker1
>  - wait for all requests on Tomcat 1 to complete (LambdaProbe is great for
> monitoring this and a bunch of other stuff)
>  - upgrade Tomcat 1
>  - enable worker 1
>  - repeat for worker 2
> Using this approach I never had any downtime associated with an upgrade.
> There were plenty of other causes of downtime ;), but upgrade wasn't one
> of
> them.
> Mark
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Zemian Deng

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