not sure why, but my main log file that logs exceptions for some reason looks 
like the examples log connections monitoring tool shows about 25 
connections, which really shouldn't be happening at all (theoretically).
Not sure why that is happening, either, though it's tough to tell when the log 
files aren't capturing anything.
my server.xml file looks like this:
 <Context path="/changectrl" docBase="changectrl"
         debug="0" reloadable="false" crossContext="true" useNaming="true">
   <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
              prefix="localhost_DBTest_log." suffix=".txt"
keep in mind, I'm not in 5.x or 6.x so the path and docBase are ok, but still.
It's been working fine prior to now....maybe a little spotty now and then, with 
regards to some latency in the connections growing and an exception occurring 
that would match it.
Any ideas?

Barry Propes
CitiFinancial Mortgage -
Workflow Enhancements Group


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