Hello Chris,

      Thank for your reply and yes. It seems System.out is subtle at that
moment and it is not a good indicator for validation. I have re-written
something else and it works fine.

But let me elaborate what i want to achieve. I would like to deliver a alert
email when the JVM shutdown. The root cause why the shutdown hook does not
work because there is a hidden exception at the previous implementation
because the webapp class loader reject to load the class after tomcat has
been shutdown.

So i have to use a separate thread with appropriate context class loader to
execute my shutdown hook.


On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 9:49 PM, Christopher Schultz <

> Hash: SHA1
> Twinsen,
> Ho Fat Tsang wrote:
> | public class TestThread extend Thread
> | {
> |      public void run()
> |      {
> |            System.out.println("Invoking shutdown");
> |      }
> | }
> |
> |   The hook is executed ONLY when i press CTRL+C using console but it
> is not
> | desired solution as my projects required it should run under service /
> | daemon mode.
> Are you sure that System.out is going somewhere predictable when you run
> Tomcat as a service? Can you see other Tomcat shutdown information?
> - -chris
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> =uBuo
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