I am guessing that this attempt to get Tomcat working is futile?

On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 4:18 PM, Panian, Ardo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ok has anyone gotten Tomcat to work with IIS on a Windows server 64-bit?
> I have downloaded the source code (isapi_redirector 1.2.26), and compiled it
> on the host server with no progress.  I tried downloaded the 64bit edition
> of "tomcat5.exe and tomcat5w.exe" with no success.   I downloadedAMD64 and
> IA64 editions of the DLL no luck.  I set IIS in 32bit app mode with no luck,
> and then back to 64 bit mode.  Made the necessary changes to the registry to
> reflect the location of the 64bit DLL installation (since the default
> installer installs key in theWow6432node section of the Windows registry.
> Is it possible to get the isapi_redirector DLL to work on a 64 bit windows
> system?
> *My System:*
> MS Windows 2003 Standard x64 Edition (64 EMT)
> jakarta-tomcat-5.0.16
> jdk-1_5_0_14-windows-amd64

Ardo S. Panian
H: 508-969-9935
M: 781-771-6728
F: 484-771-6726

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