2008/4/8, fredk2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  Hi,
>  i do not think so, but what I did is to set an contex ROOT.xml  (not sure
>  the upper case is needed - i would think it is) and then set the docBase
>  (relative to webapps or fully qualified) to your app eg.
>  ./conf/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml
>  <Context docBase="${catalina.base}/mydir/myapp"
>          privileged="true" antiResourceLocking="false"
>  antiJARLocking="false">
>  </Context>

Hello and thanks for the quick answer.

Unfortunately, I think I've tried this but failed (the webapp wouldn't
deploy AFAIR).

Can you show what your <Host> look like? Maybe this can make a difference...

Francis Galiegue, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"When it comes to performance, weight is everything" - Tiff Needell

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