Rupert Whitefield wrote:
Hi Mark,

Thanks for your response on that.  I tested both methods, and still no
joy.  It is as if IE can't find the main class.  I should have put the
complete error that I am seeing - it reads "Internet Explorer cannot
download main from localhost"," Requested site unavailable".  Have used
FIDDLER HTTP browser to look at the URL which it is requesting looks ok
(i.e. HTTPS://localhost:8080/marketops/main).  When configured for HTTP
only, the URL is the same (minus the (S) on HTTP) and it all works ok.
Nothing logged in HTTP logs.  Thought that it may be related to the JWS
not being able to find a CERT/keystore?

Again - Thanks for your time.


Does HTTPS work at all? What about if you just request a static html page? Is this with or without CLIENT-CERT authentication?


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