Peter Crowther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:    > From: murthy gandikota 
> We have a website based on embedded Tomcat with Jboss 4.0.2.
> We noticed that every weekend the Tomcat becomes sluggish.

Backups? Congestion on the network due to a site that's only accessed heavily 
at weekends?
  There are no backups. The website uses DB2 which is backed up infrequently. 
And all of our users use the site during business hours on weekdays.
> We theorized that JVM is busy with garbage collection.
> Is that realistic?

No. The JVM collects garbage at intervals measured in seconds or minutes, and 
takes milliseconds or seconds. It also doesn't know about weekends :-).

  I forgot to mention that there is an apache/mod-jk load balancer in the front 
end. On weekends we end up restarting everything including apache and jboss. 
> Does anyone have any other suggestions?

I'd guess system maintenance of some kind. Is this on a physical server or a 
virtual one?

  There is no other system maintenance more than what I have mentioned. The 
Tomcat runs on a physical server. Heard a virtual server will be even slower.
- Peter


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