The JDKs are no problem -- they just get installed each in their own directory. The tomcat's can also be installed each in their own directory. You'll have to modify the server.xml of each to make sure there are no conflicts in the shutdown ports or any of the connetors. I'm going to venture a guess you are really considering these as services. In that case, you'll want to get the .zip download of tomcat for installation instead of the .exe installer version. It includes service.bat which you should take a look at for installing each as a service. If you aren't interested in installing them as services, you should be able to modify startup.bat and shutdown.bat in each to use the correct jdk.

You'll have to post what web server (IIS or Apache Httpd) you are using jk with for info on that. From the tomcat end, part of making sure there aren't any port conflicts is to make sure each tomcat's AJP connector is on a different port. From the IIS or Apache Httpd end, it's just a matter of defining each in the jk config and then mounting url patterns to go to the appropriate jk connection.


Nix Hanwei wrote:

Thanks. I'm trying to install tomcat 5.0 and tomcat 6.0 and java 1.4 and java 
1.6 in a box.  How do I define CATALINA_HOME and JAVA_HOME and jk connector for 
each tomcat?

----- Original Message ----
From: David Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Tomcat Users List <>
Sent: Wednesday, 23 April 2008 5:42:59
Subject: Re: How do I co-exist both tomcat and java in one windows machine?

Tomcat requires java. There's never been a problem with them on the same box. Can you be a little more specific on what you're asking?


Nix Hanwei wrote:
Hi Gurus,

How do I co-exist both tomcat and java in one windows server?

Thanks in advance.

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