Hello Pavel,

Pavel Pragin wrote:
1)I am having an issue withTomcat running out of threads it seems:

OS? Versions?

ps -dfm | grep tomc

tomcat   16983     1  0 Apr23 ?        00:01:39 /usr/java/bin/java
-Xmx2000m -Djava.awt.headless=true
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=/opt/tomcat/endorsed -classpath
-Dcatalina.base=/opt/tomcat -Dcatalina.home=/opt/tomcat
-Djava.io.tmpdir=/opt/tomcat/temp org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap

tomcat       -     -  0 Apr23 -        00:00:14 -

tomcat       -     -  0 Apr23 -        00:00:00 -

tomcat       -     -  0 Apr23 -        00:00:00 -

tomcat       -     -  0 Apr23 -        00:00:00 -

tomcat       -     -  0 Apr23 -        00:00:00 -

tomcat       -     -  0 Apr23 -        00:00:03 -

tomcat       -     -  0 Apr23 -        00:00:00 -

tomcat       -     -  0 Apr23 -        00:00:00 -

tomcat       -     -  0 Apr23 -        00:00:00 -

tomcat       -     -  0 Apr23 -        00:00:00 -

tomcat       -     -  0 Apr23 -        00:00:23 -


70     hreads and up

70 threads is not much. There should in general be no problem with such low numbers. If you really need them is another question ;)

2)It looks like tomcat is not closing idle connections. I read there are
2 parameters that I can tweak idle connection time out with.  I think
its "connectionTimeout" and "connection_pool_timeout".

I know where to set "connectionTimeout" it's my server.xml, but not sure
about not sure about "connection_pool_timeout". What's the difference
between these 2 parameters?

connectionTimeout is the Tomcat side and applies to Tomcat's connectors.
connection_pool_timeout is only used, in case you front your tomcat with a web server as a reverse proxy *and* you connect the web server and Tomcat with mod_jk (httpd) or the isapi or nsapi plugin derived from mod_jk using the AJP protocol (not: http). In this case you can set connection_pool_timeout in the mod_jk configuration of the web server (usually workers.properties).

Snippet from my server.xml file:

    <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"







               redirectPort="8443" />

So this is an http connector, unrelated to mod_jk and thus unrelated to connection_pool_timeout.

If you really think, that you need less threads than 70, take a thread dump of the Tomcat JVM (kill -QUIT). It will got to catalina.out and tell you, what those threads are doing/waiting for.

Thank a million



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