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James Law wrote:
| The Java VM is sat with 94-95% of the
| available RAM (out of 8gb) and the Swap grew to 64% (out of 2gb) over
| the time tomcat was running.

400MB should be plenty for your OS to run.

| Forcing a GC has none/very little affect
| on memory usage. I've got the inkling the issue maybe caused by the
| JVM growing to big? The xmx is set to 7808m which should leave plenty
| of head room?

That depends on the memory requirements of your web app. When your JVM
starts acting like this, try to use jmap or another tool to take a look
at the heap to see what's taking up so much room.

| it only uses 50mb RAM 0mb Swap without tomcat running.
| There is only one client that sends 3 documents at any one time to
| the service that then annotates it and sends it back Anyone got any
| ideas? Im coming to the end of my tether here? Thanks

Do you use sessions? How long is your session timeout? How much stuff do
you put into the session? How about any other caches in your
application? ThreadLocals?

I doubt that the BrokenPipeException is the cause of the memory
problems, but it's possible that it's a symptom of a server that is
struggling to serve requests with low memory. I've seen JVMs thrash a
bit when under low memory conditions, but they usually suffer from OOMEs
shortly after that.

- -chris

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