Date sent:      Mon, 09 Jun 2008 18:06:38 +0530
From:   Arun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:        Junk Mail problem on intranet application
To:     Tomcat Users List <>
Send reply to:  Tomcat Users List <>

> Hi,
> I have struts2/spring/JPA/hibernate HR application.
> I am sending mails using Spring's helper.
> My app is sending out an email which contans a url which points to my
> app And which ever mail this contains
> the url is getting into junk mail folder of outlook. Is there any way
> I can avoid it.? I am using our local exchange server.

This has nothing to do with Tomcat.

I would ask on a MS Exchange or outlook forum/mailing list.

My guess is that your url has an ip address instead of a hostname that is why 
exchange or 
outlook is flagging it as spam. So configure whichever one is flagging it as 
spam to not flag 
mails coming from your tomcat server as spam.

-Steve O.

Steve O.

B17G WWII Bomber "Yankee Lady" Flight

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