Ben Stringer wrote:
On Fri, 2008-06-13 at 14:35 +0200, Yves Glodt wrote:
Hello Christopher and List,

thank you very much for your detailed description!
I am currently evaluating all the possibilities to run my 2 applications side-

Another idea I came up with is:

Use only one instance of Tomcat, but create 2 connectors, which each hold one host, and these hosts have different appBase-folders. Then my apps would been isolated, and I would connect to them via mod_proxy on their respective ports.

Hi Yves,

I tried both methods, and preferred running two tomcat instances. It
does require modifications to the packaging (I did this under RedHat),
but gives the most flexibility. The decider for me was the ability to
run each tomcat instance as a different user id, and to be able to
completely stop and restart each tomcat without affecting the other.
That last reason is why I use separate tomcat instances: my different apps have very different usage profiles; one app's busy time is the other one's dead time, so I can do maintenance on each of them without affecting the other one.


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