Kirti Teja wrote:

I use apache 2, tomcat 6.0.13 with modjk2.  When I added

 AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css
application/x-javascript text/javascript text/x-js

 in my httpd conf file, I see only static resources which are served by
apache getting gzipped.

Dynamic response (text/html)  which are served by tomcat through AJP
connector are not zipped.

I tried googling and found that there are more people who have this problem
but with no answers.

Can any one help me on this?

Not before you are telling us your version of httpd and mod_jk ;)

It works for me with httpd 2.2.8 and mod_jk 1.2.26. I also added

    AddOutputFilter DEFLATE html txt xml css js jsp do

in addition to the AddOutputFilterByType.

If you use Firefox as a browser and install Firebug. What does it show you as Content-Type and Content-Encoding of the response? What does it show as Accept-Encoding for the request?

With Regards,




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