Date sent:              Wed, 18 Jun 2008 17:17:07 +0200
From:                   André Warnier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                Re: Tomcat 5.5: Why can't I see the applications?
To:                     Tomcat Users List <>
Send reply to:          Tomcat Users List <>

> Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
> >> Subject: Tomcat 5.5: Why can't I see the applications?
> >>
> >> I am trying to get Tomcat to work (Linux, 64 bits) - it runs
> >> fine, I can connect to localhost:8080, but no matter what I
> >> have tried, there doesn't seem to be any applications.
> >
> > Did you install a real Tomcat from, or are
> > you using a 3rd-party repackaged piece of junk?  If the latter,
> > throw it away and get the real one.  Most, if not all, of the
> > repackaged versions simply don't work and do not conform to the
> > expected installation structure.
> >
> To the original poster : please ignore the comment above.
> Chuck ssems to have something viscerally against any packaged form of
> Tomcat, or any Tomcat that is not the very latest version.

Yes because what he wrote above is true.

I myself have tried the packaged version of tomcat on two recent distros of 
Linux and they
are not worth using.

I've also been mostly a lurker on this list for quite a while and I have seen 
countless no. of
people having trouble with packaged versions of tomcat and as soon as they 
and started using the "real" version of Tomcat their troubles went away.

If the user is not able to replace their version of Tomcat then they should 
consider asking
support from their distro support lines. For ex. someone from Ubuntu posted 
here several
months ago that the users of this list should send anyone having trouble with 
the Ubuntu
packaged version of tomcat over to their support forums.

-Steve O.

> He seems
> to be unable to understand and accept that many Tomcat users and
> system admins simply do not have much choice in the matter, and that
> Tomcat does not exist in a void by its own, but is usually part of an
> environment with many constraints other than Tomcat. And he wants to
> ignore the fact that there are tens of thousands of Tomcats out there
> installed from packages, working fine, and easy to run and maintain;
> and dozens of qualified and benevolent software packagers, who do
> their best to provide packages working in a given environment. It is a
> real pity, because he undoubtedly knows his Tomcat and Java stuff
> better than most. And usually, after this first rash comment, he
> starts actually trying to help. There are others on this list that
> will try to help you if you just want help with the Tomcat you got.
> André
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