
don't give up yet, please.
There is a single question here.

While I still do not agree with some of your comments below, I *do* immensely appreciate the time you put into it, the civility with which you answered, and the clues it provides. I also do understand that it is not easy to try to help someone, when you do not even know where things are, or how much someone may have mangled it.

My idea was, maybe naively, that Tomcat was like any other program, fairly logical, and that things in it happen for a reason. Thus that when Tomcat starts, it knows, from some top-level configuration file, where to look for instructions as to what logging system to use, and has an idea about where the configuration for that stuff is. And that this knowledge could be communicated to me somehow without breaking some official secrecy vow.

What really puzzled me however, was that going down the hierarchy of configuration files and directories, I never seemed to find a link between Tomcat and the logging it was doing.

I am starting to see the error of my ways.
What I am, ever so slowly, starting to think I understand (I hope), is that Tomcat /may/ not itself know; that your refusal to tell me may not after all have been motivated by a desire to keep the knowledge into your inner circle of initiates; but that instead, it is some other piece of software that "hooks" into Tomcat to "steal" the things to be logged, and that this other piece of thing is the (only) one that knows it's own configuration.
And thus that for instance Tomcat itself knows nothing about that file
which I discovered long ago on my Linux Debian Etch system, but could not figure out how Tomcat found it or used it.

And this file contains stuff like

handlers =,,,,, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler

(the above being one single line), and to follow,

.handlers =, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler

# Handler specific properties.
# Describes specific configuration info for Handlers.
############################################################ = FINE = ${catalina.base}/logs = catalina. = FINE = ${catalina.base}/logs = localhost.

.. continued with similar stuff apparently related to the other apps.

I would thus hasard a wild guess that the logging mechanism used is "juli", rather than "log4j".
And that thus the bottom of the page at
might be the applicable one for this case.

In that case, I would certainly not break it by attempting an uninformed switch to log4j, and would instead start twiddling with what is there.

However, my initial joy at finally discovering an initial thread to hang on to, gets severely dampened when I subsequently discover the following paragraph, which, would you believe it, reads to me like some highly sophisticated PSK code to which I do not have the key :

* A prefix may be added to handler names, so that multiple handlers of a single class may be instantiated. A prefix is a String which starts with a digit, and ends with '.'. For example, 22foobar. is a valid prefix. * As in Java 5.0, loggers can define a list of handlers using the loggerName.handlers property. * By default, loggers will not delegate to their parent if they have associated handlers. This may be changed per logger using the loggerName.useParentHandlers property, which accepts a boolean value. * The root logger can define its set of handlers using a .handlers property. * System property replacement for property values which start with ${sytstemPropertyName}.

I mean, I do understand the part "A prefix is a String which starts with a digit, and ends with '.'. For example, 22foobar. is a valid prefix.", but the rest is a bit mysterious, and I am worried that I might have to understand it, before I start deleting lines and such.
Or not ?

Now, for example, if I were to delete all the references, in the above, to "", would that then simply get rid of all the daily logfiles of the form

, or would it bring down my whole Tomcat server ?

I will venture another couple of guesses, even :

- that the link between the highest level of the Tomcat server (catalina ?) and the specific files "catalina.yyyy-mm-dd.log", is made via the line above starting with ".handler", and that this is the very "root logger" mentioned in the ante-last line of the mysterious paragraph above.

- that the lines above starting with "" relate somehow to this tag and level in the "server.xml" :

      <Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps"
       unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true"
       xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false">

But, in that case, what is not clear to me is how the actual link is made. That is because I find nothing within this <Host> section that would provide a link with "". (There is actually nothing but comments between the <Host> above and </Host>)

- Or (another guess), if I added another virtual host introduced as such :

      <Host name="secondhost" appBase="webapps2"
       unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true"
       xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false">

and I added new references in the file, e.g. to "", would it then magically start creating logfiles like

- or, if I deleted the references in to "",
would that then result in :
- the files "localhost.yyyy-mm-dd.log" not being produced anymore
- but the corresponding logging entries would now be automatically intercepted by the higher-level "root logger", thus ending up in "catalina.yyyy-mm-dd.log" ?

(at this point, nothing would surprise me)

Of course I may be totally wrong with my guesses above, and become totally desperate as Chuck next shoots me down. And there are still a lot of things I do not understand at all (such as what role the java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler gimmick plays in all this), but one thing at a time.


As an aside, and without contradicting what I have been writing before, I must admit that it looks like the Debian packager of Tomcat 5.5 was particulary imaginative in terms of spreading things around, and in terms of symbolic links between directories and stuff.
Way above the Apache guys level anyway.
I will not pass judgement before he has a chance to explain however, because hey, the stuff works. I installed it in 2 minutes flat, including download. Tomcat runs fine, one can add and remove webapps and it still runs. It's just that I want to change the way some logfiles are being created, and that doesn't seem easy to get started with.

Christopher Schultz wrote:
Hash: SHA1


Okay, I'll bite.

André Warnier wrote:
| Assume that one has installed Tomcat 5.5 (or 6.0) on some system just by
| using the standard software package management system for his Operating
| System, and consequently finds himself with some Tomcat installation,
| whose settings and layout have been chosen by a real guru (in both
| Tomcat and in software packaging).

Note that everything starts to fall apart right about .... here. ^^^

| Assume that the Tomcat in question works fine, but that it writes
| logfiles all over the place (or all over time), and that one would like
| to understand where these logfiles come from, and either slightly change
| which logfiles are being produced, or add a specific logfile for a
| specific application, or something simple like that.

Okay. Sounds good.

| Assume that one has read the Tomcat logging page at

Although the this is a good reference, you cannot follow any of the
instructions on that page, because the logging has likely been set up in
advance by the package manager. Since there is no standard way to
configure logging (among package managers, that is), nobody on this list
who doesn't have explicit experience with your
OS/version/patchlevel/package manager can help you :(

| The kind of things one would like to know are :
| - where to start ?
| In other words, here I have a Tomcat and it is working and it is writing
| logfiles, but I do not have a clue which kind of logging mechanism it is
| using, either directly or indirectly.  How do I find out ?

What would be great is if you could, say, identify a log file (say,
catalina.out) and then say "where did this come from"? The answer is
easy, if you use the standard package from

$ grep catalina.out `find -type f`

If I run this command on my stock TC 5.5 install, I get these results:

Ignoring the documentation and code results, I can see that
bin/ mentions catalina.out. Let's take a look, shall we?

Reading, you'll find that this line appears in several
places in the script:

~      >> "$CATALINA_BASE"/logs/catalina.out 2>&1 &

after certain commands. This indicates that catalina.out is redirected
standard output.

Just got grins, let's come up with another one. I've got a file called
localhost.2008-06-18.log in my "logs" directory. How'd it get there?

$ grep -l 'localhost.*\.log' `find -type f `

Hey! Look at that! A file just for setting up logging properties? That's

...rinse, repeat.

Unfortunately, if you installed your TC from a package manager, you
probably don't have all the TC-related files in a single place. That
wouldn't be such a big deal if it didn't take quite a while to grep
every file on your system:

$ grep catalina.out `find / -type f`

... snore ....

TC and package management gurus indeed.

The problem is that the UNIX philosophy has always been "there's one
binary, a config directory somewhere under /etc, and the logs go under
/var/log". It's bad enough that we have to have dozens of config files
and deployment directories for Apache httpd... TC makes it even worse
because it's more application-based than directory-based. ClassLoaders
and system properties and endorsed libraries, oh my! Shoehorning TC into
a semi-typical Linux (or UNIX) package management scheme often leads to
confusion with people who read official documentation that suggests that
the world is otherwise.

And we (on this list) get the fallout, instead of the wankers from the
distros who muck everything up in the first place.

...but I digress. Let's move on.

| - how does it work ?
| In other words : it would seem that the kind of logging adopted in
| Tomcat 5.5/6.0 is very powerful and flexible, allowing one to decide "at
| the top" which mechanism is being used, and then define either some
| overall generic logging settings for the whole Tomcat and valid for all
| components and applications, and/or refine this at just about each
| hierarchical level of Tomcat, Engine, Connector, Host, application and
| whatnot, at whatever level of detail one needs between CRASH and CHATTY.
|  Great.

Yup. See the aforementioned file. And read the TC
logging documentation, which you assumed was read. If you look through
the file, you may gain some insight into how the
output from each level/application/host/etc is routed into separate files.

| - how does one set up a really simple logging configuration, but one
| that will allow in the future some gradual tailoring and refinement
| without complete redesign ?

Use the one that came configured with your TC installation. Locate the file, and "simplify" it, whatever that means. Take
out loggers you don't want. Run everything into /var/log/all-tomcat.log.
Do whatever you want. Examples come with the stock TC install from Your distro doesn't? Hmm. Complain to them. Our
documentation is short, and following the instructions ends up working.

| I would like to have, for the whole of Tomcat :
| - one monthly file that shows the equivalent of an Apache "error log"

I don't see a way to make juli rotate logfiles on a different schedule
than once per day. I /do/ know that log4j can do it by using a
DailyRollingFileAppender (with rolling set to 'monthly'). If I were
doing this myself, I would follow the instructions on TC's logging page
to switch from using juli to using log4j, and then configure log4j to
emit the log you describe above. This is easier for me, because I have
much more familiarity with log4j than with juli/jdk-logging/whatever. If
I were adamant about using juli, I would probably read all about how to
configure java 1.4 logging.

| - one monthly file that shows the equivalent of an Apache "access log"

This is done using an AccessLogValve, which is somewhat orthogonal to
the issue of "logging" as it is being covered, here. This has been
pretty consistent across TC versions.

| b) when the above is achieved, then I'd like to re-introduce a separate
| access log for each Host.  How do I do that ?

Different <Valve> under each host.

| c) when the above is achieved, then I'd like to re-introduce a separate
| log for just the "MyApp" application.  How do I do that ?

That depends. Do you want to just log the Tomcat-specific log messages,
or those from your own application? I'm guessing that, given yout lack
of familiarity of logging systems in webapps, you are not using
commons-logging in your own web application. That pretty much means that
you're not going to get everything into one log file unless you can
convince TC to hook into your application-specific logging system.

If you just want the former, and you've already switched to log4j (as I
suggest above), you'll need to add further configuration to log4j.
You'll need an appender (which writes log messages to something --
file/xmtp/whatever) and you will need to identify the logger that dumps
to that appender.

Given the examples provided in, I'd do something like
this and see if it works:

# Set DRFA to roll on a monthly basis
log4j.appender.MyApp.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
log4j.appender.MyApp.layout.conversionPattern= %d [%t] %-5p %c- %m%n
# Do not overwrite files

# Configure this 'category' (logger) to go to MyApp's logfile[Catalina].[localhost].[/MyApp]=INFO,MyApp

| And no, the page at
| is not enough to answer the above.  It assumes from the reader a greater
| knowledge of Java and Tomcat than most Tomcat users have, and it
| presupposes, I guess, that the installed Tomcat has been built
| on-the-spot from the original Tomcat distribution

How can we document a distribution we not only do not distribute, but
have no control over?

| and I believe that this is not the case for the majority of
subscribers to this "Tomcat
| users" list.

The majority of posts on this list either do not mention their use of
package management, or end up being solved by removing the
package-managed TC installation and starting from scratch (and then
following the correct documentation).

Okay, that's the last thing I'm saying about logging for a while without
getting paid. :p

- -chris
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