One more update on the problem:

> An update on the problem: on my development server (managed by
> restarting the server _sometimes_ seems to apply the changes. I
> found out in which cases exactly. The changes are never applied when I
> deploy to a production server using a .war file, though.

After further tests I found out that the server will reload JNDI data
sources if all the following steps are performed:
1. Change the configuration
2. Execute _any_ servlet or jsp using the eclipse command "Run As... >
Run on Server"
3. Restart Tomcat

In particular, if step 2 is omitted, the configuration change is not
effective. Also, it only works if I perform step 2 using eclipse's "Run
on Server". If I use firefox to access a servlet, it does not work.
Also, just reloading the page in eclipse's internal browser doesn't
work, I have to use "Run on Server".

What does eclipse do to tell Tomcat to reload my application? How could
I reproduce this outside eclipse? Note that I did not make any changes
to the files in eclipse. I just used "Run on Server" to start a servlet
or jsp.

Any help is appreciated,

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