Plana, Richard schrieb:
-----Original Message-----
From: Rainer Jung [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, July 04, 2008 12:38 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: mod_ajp and Load-Balancing Issue

Plana, Richard schrieb:

Thanks. Yes, if I can't share the session information between the various instances of Tomcat, I'd rather make a session sticky to a node in the load-balance pool.

So I tried giving a jvmRoute to each Tomcat instance. I'm a little confused with the mod_proxy_balancer configuration, though.
What I've
done so far is the following:

<Proxy balancer://mycluster>
BalancerMember ajp://appserver1:8009/myapp max=10 smax=6 ttl=30 ping=120 route=jvm1 BalancerMember ajp://appserver2:8009/myapp max=10 smax=6 ttl=30 ping=120 route=jvm2 </Proxy> ProxyPass /myapp balancer://mycluster/ ProxyTimeout 60

From the browser client side, I can see the ".jvm[12]"
being appended
to the JSESSIONID cookie, but it would still switch from
one Tomcat to
the other, albeit less frequently.

What am I doing wrong?
So far, so good. You also need to tell mod_proxy_balancer, what the name of the URL parameter resp. Cookie is, which carries the routing information. I forgot about that (in mod_jk it is automatically the right for Java App Servers, mod_proxy is more flexible and you need to set it).

So add "stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid" at the end of the ProxyPass line. See also the mod_proxy docs page, look out for stcikysession.

Tried that after you mentioned it, but no, httpd still shifts my access
from one node to the other (and I lose my session info). I even tried
the plain example on the docs page (no jvmRoute info). Still no go.

Suggestions? Ideas?

Is that related to the error message you posted in the parallel discussion thread, i.e. are the two things happening at the same time? If so I would say a worker went into error state because of this (and it keeps that state for some time) and all requests have been rerouted to the other worker.



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