Hi Tim,

Tim Redding schrieb:

We are experiencing intermittent problems with a particular site that is not
returning the correct file that is requested.  For instance if we request
the index.html file we actually get a css file or even an image.  From the
apache access log you can see that the size of the index.html file grows on
the second request. This is because a gif was actually returned.

XXX.XXX.XXX.130 - - [10/Jul/2008:15:10:39 +0100] "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1"
200 1068
XXX.XXX.XXX.130 - - [10/Jul/2008:15:13:10 +0100] "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1"
200 9526
XXX.XXX.XXX.130 - - [10/Jul/2008:15:13:48 +0100] "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1"
200 1086

This is pretty serious (I assume that 1086!=1968 was a typo).

No error messages are logged in the mode_jk.log file.

We have Apache/2.2.3 on the front on a Tomcat 6.0.16 server with mod_jk
(version unknown but fairly recent). We have all assets in our war file. When we hit Tomcat directly on port 8080 it serves the correct file. And to
fix the problem an apache restart seems to sort things out.

On this server with have 2 vhosts.  One is a simple nothing fancy static
site and the other forwards everything to our Tomcat server.  Below I've
included our mod_jk config and a snippet of our httpd.conf.
Any ideas or things to try would be most appreciated.

What's you platform and which httpd MPM (prefork orworker or something else) do you use? For some platforms (e.g. AIX) the detection of multi-threading in httpd during mpod_jk build-time was broken. Starting with 1.2.24 we build always including multi-thread support unless explicitely stated via a configure option. If you 1.2.23 build is not thread safe, but your httpd uses threads (like with worker mpm), then such trouble is possible, although more likely you would see crashes etc. For most platforms like Linux and Solaris the threading detection was OK already before 1.2.24.

Another possible (but not very likely) cause could be bug 44494 of Tomcat 6.0.16 which under certain circumstances could leave data in the request object after request handling completed. You could try either downgrding to 6.0.15 or upgrading to the soon to be expected 6.0.17.

I would also add the access log on the Tomcat side. If you find the same phenomenon there, then it's unlikely, that httpd/mod_jk are responsible and the reason should be inside Tomcat or the webapp.

Can you reproduce the problem on a test system?



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