
Currently running the open source webapp eXist (http://exist.sourceforge.net/) 
on Tomcat 5.5. It works well

expect for this glitch: in trying to access file names containing "(" or "," 
characters, Tomcat generates a 404 "document not found" message. I've tried 
encoding these with %29 and other encodings, but that doesn't help. Is there a 
setting in the conf files that can be enabled to allow "(" or "," in URLs 
preferably without encoding? In looking through the mailing list archives (see 

, I noticed that there is a <DecodeInterceptor safe="false" /> setting, 
but I don't know if that's part of Tomcat 5.5 or if it is, can it have to be 
added, and if to which file and where in the conf files? Or is there another 
setting that can be added/enabled?





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