I just set up Apache-Tomcat 
6.0.16 and have two domain names to be used as virtual hosts on the same 
machine. I have set this up in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml and can now see 
them both show up on the server. 
After editing the tomcat-users.xml, I can now look at the main Tomcat Web 
Application Manager page. However, I can only see the /docs, /examples, 
/manager, and /host-manager directories. I then 
moved the docroot for the virtual hosts to the $CATALINA_HOME/webapps folder 
since this is where the Web Application Manager seems to show these in. How can 
I deploy new .war files for my current virtual hosts directory? When I try to 
deploy the war file it states>
FAIL - Invalid context path  was specified

I don't see any good online documentation on how the Tomcat Web App Manager 
works. Can anyone help?
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